If you are curios about anything. Feel free to ask me on twitter, facebook, or tumblr.
 I won't bite you....... maybe.

  • What's your real name?
Alecson Reyes Pineda

  • When's your birthday?
January 16, 2000

  • What does your url mean?
Well, I'm a sassy little girl, and let's just say I love everything that's fabulous. Its a great combination. Sassy and Fabulous.

  • Are you single?
Why yes I am, but secretly dating Justin Bieber.

  • What can we expect from your blog?
You can expect a lot of things. For example, my favorites of the week! You can find celebrity news. "What's in?" Everything I find interesting, I'll share it with you guys!

  • How can I contact you?
Feel free to tweet me at @AlyPineda
Ask me on my ask.fm 
Or you can go to my tumblr. Anonymous or non anonymous.

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