Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Photoshop Skills.

Here are a few of my Manips. I AM A PHOTOSHOPER! I am currently using Adobe Photoshop CS5 The White Rabbit.

Justin Bieber & Miley Cyrus

Me and Justin


Favourites of the Week.

Here are some of my favorites, and you guys should check them out! Maybe you'll find something interesting about it.

So lets start out with clothes. Here are some of my favorite stores. My first one Forever 21. You guys probably know Forever 21. But this store is absolutely fabulous. There's plenty of clothes to select from, and not all of them are expensive. You just gotta look real good for the cheap and fabulous clothes.

This is one of my favorites. Its a muscle moon tee. It's only for $15.80. And you can find it here.

This is shirt is probably the "have to buy" shirt. I mean it's totally fabulous, and perfect for summer!

SHORTS! Who doesn't love shorts? Now this is my favourite. It's simple, but it can match with any shirt! Not to mention it would look great with the moon muscle tee above.

You can also find this on Forever 21 for $19.80

Now for shoes, I shop somewhere different.
But as of the moment, I am shopping at Vans for my "skater girl look"

This is the simple black and white vans, with the thin sole.
I like this alot because it can match any outfit.
It kinda give you the "skater" but "fabulous" look.

Now for accessories, I go EVERYWHERE. But I get most of my accessories from Claire's or Forever 21. The accessories are sold at minimum price, so that's always good.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!